With rapid growth and development in the field of technology, the time is really challenging to developers. Web applications “five years back” and “now” are vast different. There have been huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience but thanks to the latest development of Ajax technology which had made life of developers much easier. Today we are introducing you 20 AJAX scripts that you’ll need to create interactive websites. Let’s have a look at these scripts below!
1. Shoutbox Ajax
This script is easy to setup which is based on jQuery library and Form plugin. It is available here.
2. Ajax login form (PHP & Javascript)
This is a nice ajax login form that uses 3 javascript files, 2 php files and 1 stylesheet. It is available here.
3. Ajax and XML: Ajax for chat
You can now integrate an amazing chat system built with asynchronous JavaScript, XML (Ajax) and PHP into your Web application.
4. Ajax Tabs Content
This is a versatile Ajax Tabs Content script that lets you display content pulled from external files inside a DIV and organized via CSS tabs. It is available here.
5. AjaxControlToolkit TabContainer
This is a TabContainer theme for some of the other tab-style controls that is floating around the web. It is available here.
6. jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin
The jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin is a non-obtrusive plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that helps users easily select multiple files for upload quickly and easily.
7. CSS: Star Rater Ajax Version
This Star rater Ajax version is used for rating images which is available here.
8. InPlaceEditor
The in-place “text edit” testing allows for Flickr-style AJAX-backed “on-the-fly” textfields. Get to know more by clicking here.
9. FCKEditor
This plugin makes it easy to install FCKEditors on your page in the jQuery way. Learn how to do so by clicking here.
10. Ajax Pagination Script
This script lets you include content from multiple pages and display them on demand, using Ajax. Learn more about it here.
11. Max’s AJAX file uploader
Max’s AJAX file uploader is a simple and easy to use script, which allows you to upload files to your webserver without reloading the current page. Get the script here.
12. DDDrasticGrid
DrasticGrid is an Ajax-based datagrid with editing support that uses MySQL as a data source and it supports pagination, sorting, editing records, adding records and removing records. It is available here.
13. Ajax Poller
In order to implement this script, you should have PHP installed on your server and have access to a mySql database. Learn more by clicking here.
14. Improving Extra wide Grid View
This script has refactored the Tablecloth example to use the ASP.NET AJAX client side API. Click here to learn more.
15. Autocomplete Control Version Released
Now you can change the look of the suggestion item with your own customizable template. Learn more here.
16. Form Plugin
The jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX. Learn how to use it here.
17. Ajax Instant Messenger
Ajax im is a browser-based instant messaging client that uses AJAX to create a near real-time IM environment that can be used in conjunction with community, intranet, and social websites. You can learn how to use it here.
18. Starbox
Starbox allows you to easily create all kinds of rating boxes using just one PNG image. Learn it here.
19. Easy AJAX inline text edit 2.0
With this easy AJAX inline text edit 2.0, you have the ability to edit the fields. Learn how to use it here.
20. jsProgressBarHandler
jsProgressBarHandler is a Javascript based Percentage Bar / Progress Bar, inspired upon JS-code by WebAppers and CSS-code by Bare Naked App. Learn how to use it here.
Source : designer-daily[dot]com
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